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Try the Neotech Bridge® for Breastfeeding Help

You are not alone. Lots of women struggle with breastfeeding and need help. Even moms who have done it before. Needing help is not failure. In fact, it’s normal.

This study showed that 92% of participating moms reported one or more concerns by day 3, with the most predominant being difficulty with infant feeding at breast, breastfeeding pain, and milk quantity. Although most US mothers initiate breastfeeding, half fail to achieve their breastfeeding intentions. And early breastfeeding difficulties are often cited as reasons for stopping breastfeeding sooner than intended.

Breastfeeding help might be needed for a variety of reasons. Such as:

  • Painful latch
  • Low milk supply
  • Breast refusal
  • Supplementation

The Neotech Bridge can help with these and other common issues. It’s an easy-to-use breastfeeding assistance system that helps babies latch to the breast and promote natural milk production. It can be used in most circumstances in which a bottle would traditionally be used (e.g., slow weight gain, delay in milk production, jaundice, bottle preference, etc.).

The Bridge IS NOT a nipple shield. While it does provide a surface for baby to latch, which can help to alleviate breastfeeding pain, the Bridge is much more. It’s an extremely thin silicone nipple cover with a built-in channel that attaches to a syringe filled with breastmilk or formula. The syringe allows mom to control the amount and flow delivered to keep the baby at the breast when challenges arise and help is required.

It also fits differently than a standard nipple shield to accommodate a variety of breast and nipple sizes. The Bridge features a taller nipple with a more gradual taper to offer more options for depth of latch. Click here to view our sizing comparison sheet.

Use the Bridge to provide colostrum, expressed milk, fortified human milk, or formula when necessary.

Watch You Are Not Alone

A large percentage of mothers experience breastfeeding challenges, including difficulty with infant feeding at the breast, pain, and milk quantity.1 In this video, a few Neotech moms share their personal challenges.
