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Use Neotech Bridge® for Supplement Feedings

Newborn babies, premature and full term, may require supplementation for a variety of reasons. Such as slow weight gain, jaundice, or delay in milk production.

When supplementing is needed, the default tool is the bottle. Of course, there’s nothing wrong with a bottle, but it can lead to bottle preference or nipple confusion. Returning to the breast could be challenging.

Additionally, the bottle does nothing to help mom produce her own milk.

The Neotech Bridge can be used in most circumstances in which a bottle would traditionally be used. The Bridge is an easy-to-use, breastfeeding assistance system that allows you to supplement at the breast. It helps to promote natural milk production by continuing to stimulate the breast while supplementing.

The Bridge is a silicone nipple cover with a built-in channel that attaches to an enteral syringe filled with breastmilk or formula. The syringe allows mom to control the amount and flow to keep the baby at the breast feeding continuously.

The Bridge Breastfeeding Assistance Device:

  • Allows supplement while breastfeeding which helps to stimulate natural milk production
  • Provides a surface for baby to latch to help alleviate pain
  • Can be used to provide colostrum, expressed milk, fortified human milk, or formula when necessary
  • Allows precise control of supplement feeding flow, rate, and timing

Invented by a Clinician & Mother

The Neotech Bridge (formerly, Laally Bridge) was invented by Kate Spivak, a Physician Assistant, an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant, and a mom.

After witnessing the reoccurring struggles of the moms she was helping, she invented a new tool for breastfeeding help.

“I created the Bridge because there was a lack of solutions for the most common issues I was seeing in practice,” Spivak said. “I consistently saw babies who were being supplemented with a bottle due to low supply and issues with latch.”

The goal was to keep the baby at the breast as much as possible, but there was no efficient way to do that until the Bridge was created.

“The Bridge takes advantage of the body’s natural response to breastfeeding,” Spivak continued. “More stimulation equals more milk. The more the baby stays on the breast, the more milk is created by the body in response.”

Watch You Are Not Alone

A large percentage of mothers experience breastfeeding challenges, including difficulty with infant feeding at the breast, pain, and milk quantity.1 In this video, a few Neotech moms share their personal challenges with supplement feeding.
